I have safely arrived in Falmouth, England. The travel was smooth as can be: car, plane, Boeing 777 jet window seat with no one next to me, then train, train again, finally car again. A total of around 20 hours.
Arriving in the late afternoon, we went out to the pubs to meet old friends. It was great. And so far I've just been kicking it back, adjusting. Amazingly enough, I'm not experiencing any jet lag symptoms. Not a bad way to start off the journey!
At first, while lugging my bag around (which has got to be nearing about half my body weight), I was so overheated and mad that I had to carry this thing. I was the one on the plane who holds up the isle for a while, trying to figure out how to mash my bag in the overhead, people trying to help by telling me "don't force it dear, it won't fit", and me growling through my teeth, "oh yes it will!". I almost wanted to pick through and throw some stuff in a trash can right then.
However, now I'm thrilled that I did bring the few warm clothes that I have, because it is chilly here, to the bone. And extremely humid, like some one is boiling water and steam is everywhere you go. It's very different than the hot, dry desert atmosphere.
All in All, I'm having a fantastic time so far. It feels really good to be back here, like home. I'm very comfortable. I reckon that my mindset will shift into journey/backpacking/travel mode once I leave Falmouth into the great beyond of Europe.
I'm trying to live right now, in the moment, to never forget any of this. On the plane I was thinking, just a few hours ago I was driving down the warm, pot hole filled streets of Bisbee, my body aching from waitressing all day. And in a few hours I will be in the cold fog of England drinking tea (or pints to be more accurate :) in the company of friends. How strangely amazing, how life changes so quickly. I'm so glad for everything I see and go through. It makes me me.
"Your past goes with you into every day of your future. We're all of us haunted and haunting."
And so my journey begins.
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